Walk2Work on 10th March
was a fabulous success around the country!!
Read all about it in the media release. You can see some of the photos from the events here.
There were twenty three events organised around the country and lots of opportunities to get involved in Walk2Work.
See more images at http://www.livingstreets.org.nz/node/4454. Images of the many events around Auckland can be found here, along with a short video which can be found here.
The winner of our Registration form draw is Mike Pearce of Dunedin.
The winner of our walking stories competition is Ping Sim of Wellington
Congratualations to both winners and thank you to isubscribe and wild south for their generously donated prizes.
What is it about?
Walk2Work Day is part of a Living Streets campaign that aims to encourage people to walk more in their daily lives. It is a free event held before work in a location close to the main walking routes, targeting people who have walked all or part of the way to work.
The campaign aims:
- To encourage more people to walk to work and encourage active healthy lifestyles for all New Zealanders.
- To raise the profile of walking as a as an essential mode of transport.
- To decrease road congestion by reducing the numbers of private vehicles on our roads.
- To support the local economy (by way of retail purchases from walkers on their journey to work).
When & where was it?
Events were held at various locations all over New Zealand on March 10th - click on the events map to find out where.
How did people participate?
Walk2Work is easy and people participated in many ways by:
- Taking part or helping in an event near them.
- Making an individual pledge to walk to work on March 10th.
- Joining the Summer steps programme at their workplace
- Completing the registration form handed out at Walk2work events to go into a prize draw.
How can my workplace get involved?
Here are some ways your workplace can get involved
How can I get more information?
Contact Walk2work@livingstreets.org.nz or ring 04 385 8280 and see here for the Walk2Work Day Guide (118K pdf).
Check out the Frequently Asked questions (FAQs)
For more info on previous events see Walk2Work Day 2009.