Membership - Join or Renew

We're glad to know you want to join Living Streets Aotearoa Inc.

Membership is as little as $5, and your membership helps us continue to be a credible voice for pedestrian issues, working to make our cities and towns more liveable

As a member, you’ll receive our monthly e-Bulletin and updates, and be informed about events and other activities of the Society, including ways to get involved and help us to influence decisions relevant to pedestrians. Members receive a discount on the registration fee for our biennial Walking Summit.

Please fill out the form below.  You can pay by bank deposit - our bank details are below.

Use this form to renew your membership too - include your name, email and payment amount, and any other details which need updating. Please complete the renewal by making a bank deposit (as below.)


If you are signing up on behalf of an organisation please make sure you tick the box that says "I am contributing on behalf of an organisation" (after Email Address) and fill in the additional fields. We will send you out an invoice if we do not receive payment within a few days. 

Join Living Streets

Thanks for becoming part of Living Streets.

It makes a big difference to our work if you can also send a donation with your Membership Fee. 

Please select the relevant Membership type below, then write in the total amount you want to pay, including any donation.

Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization

Please tell us about yourself so we can improve the information we send you.

Additional information
Please enter the region where you are based in New Zealand - or use ABROAD if not in NZ
Payment Options
[x] Please make your payment by bank deposit to Kiwibank 38 9009 0745640 00. Please include sufficient information to ensure we can associate your payment with your contact record. Thank you. We have Approved Donee Status with the IRD so all donations are tax deductible. Charity number CC22064 and IRD number 085-951-696.

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns