Living Streets Aotearoa Inc
Minutes of Executive Council Meeting
held 25 June 2009 at 6.00 p.m.
Meeting held by telephone conference call
Present: Celia Wade-Brown, Liz Thomas, Mike Mellor (Wellington); Rhys Taylor, Carina Duke (Christchurch); Daphne Bell (Hamilton); Andy Smith (Auckland); Peter Kortegast (Nelson); Gay Richards (North Shore) took the minutes
Apologies: Peter Kortegast; Ralph Chapman
1 Welcome from Celia
2 Conflicts of Interest
None noted
3. Walking Awards (24 July 2009)
Liz provided an update on the inaugural awards (nominations have now closed)
30 nominations received. There will be four judges (Charles Finny, Wellington Chamber of Commerce. Brian Horspool - ARTA, Louise Schofield and Peter Kortegast)
The awards will be glass jandals. The ceremony will be at WCC Chambers on July 24
Celia noted that she was pleased with way Janet handled the project, also thanks to Peter for his work.
Louise Schofield will MC the event. Alick Shaw – NZTA has been invited to present the awards.
ACTION: Celia to follow up on this invitation
There was some discussion on whether there should be additional presenters, walking champions from the backbenchers perhaps. It was agreed that it would not be appropriate to ask MPs from non-government parties to present awards. Gay suggested that a “celebrity: would attract the media – preferably one with no appearance fee attached. One presenter may be adequate.
ACTION: Liz to see whether any other presenters are available if deemed necessary.
4. Street Cred - Advocates Weekend (25/26 July 2009).
Update in Director’s report – 4 executive members and 9 advocates have registered, more needed from Auckland. Reminder to go out on Friday 26 June. Venues – Saturday in St John’s Hall, Willis St, Sunday at NZRFB in Adelaide Rd.
5. AGM
Number of Executive have indicated they are prepared to stand again. Should look for other , prospective nominees for executive especially from other regions.
Willing to be nominated for Executive : Mike, Gay, Andy, Daphne, Carina, Rhys, Peter. Peter may be prepared to consider co-president.
Retiring Celia, Ralph. Graeme
Need three more – someone from Dunedin - possibly Judy Martin, Nina Aaron, Grant Schofield
ACTION – Celia to approach Grant, ? to approach others
Resolved (Mike, Rhys, carried)
That the following resolution to be put to AGM
That the Constitution be amended to read:
“12.1 The Executive Council shall comprise the President, the Vice-President, the National Secretary, the National Treasurer and up to five other members elected at the Annual General Meeting to carry out the aims and powers of the Society. The named positions may each be shared by more than one individual, and the membership of the Executive Council shall not exceed ten individuals.”
ACTION: Secretary (Gay) to include in notification of AGM
6. 2008-9 Financial Report to be accepted for presentation to AGM
Resolved: (Andy, Daphne, carried)
That the 2008-09 Financial Report be presented to the AGM.
7. 2009-9 Annual Report to be accepted for presentation at AGM
There was discussion of the use of the term Walking User Groups. It was acknowledged that this was the term used in the current contract so should be used in this year’s reports. Agreed that we would like to move to the use of the term Walking Action Groups. This can be signalled in the annual report and discussed with NZTA, when discussing contract renewal.
There was some discussion on layout and structure of Annual Report. It needs a little more structure, so that headings stand out and there is a logical progression for topics.
Full name should be provided. Mike also suggested that there should be a statement along the lines of Charity commission requirements.
Resolved: (Celia, Rhys, carried)
That the 2008-09, with some layout changes, be presented to the AGM
ACTION: Liz to make layout changes
ACTION: Mike to provide Charity Commission wordings to be included in Annual Report.
8. Meeting with CAN regarding commercialisation
Janet, Rhys & Andy were at meeting. It seems plans are not as far advanced as suggested by written material, still exploring the market and possibilities. It was agreed at the meeting that CAN to continue to explore its market while Janet continues to explore opportunities for Living Streets. To keep both organisations informed, via CAN website facility. Should work together when joint projects present themselves. It does not appear that there one big idea – common to both organisations except that both can use community street reviews. CAN & LSA doing product development work as mentioned in Annual Report. Other possible technology projects were discussed.
Still needed - clarification of intellectual property around community streets reviews and audits. Janet has spoken to Tim and Steve Abley. NZTA want to collect physical data. Steve Abley interested in physical measurements, but not the general street reviews. The importance of providing councils with possible costings of any proposed projects – consultants may be able to help with this or we may be able to develop these skills..
9.. Walking Conference 2010
It was confirmed that Wellington had been proposed as the venue for the 2010 conference and that planning and the formation of a conference committee needs to begin after the AGM.
10. Attendance at other conferences 2009
Celia asked whether anyone was planning on going to Walk21 this year in New York in October. Janet may be able to go depending on funding.
Gay confirmed she would be at the IPNANZ conference in October in Auckland and may have a stand where Living Streets material could be displayed.
Trafinz – still need to confirm whether we can have a discounted registration.
ACTION: Liz to contact Trafinz
11. Director’s report (May/June)
Janet is putting together final report to NZTA on Walk2Work - 1800 involved.
Walking & Cycling microfund report – not to be funded next year. There was some discussion on finding alternative funding.
Resolved: (Celia, Daphne, carried)
That we request the Director to contact other organisations that may pick up this funding to replace microfund.
ACTION: Daphne to investigate possible funders through FUNDview.
12. May 2009 Financial report
Budget figures not correct due to technical issues. Gay queried whether the use of the term Profit and Loss was appropriate in non-for-profit accounts. Andy explained that this was the terminology used by MYOB.
Resolved: (Andy, Rhys, carried)
That Profit and Loss statement and Balance Sheet for May 2009 be accepted. Terminology from standard accounting May 2009.
There was a discussion about adding Janet Lawson as signatory (as Lily will be on annual leave. The Financial Authorities statement did not clear. It was recommended that one signatory on each cheque should be Director or an Executive member. Ratification of clarifying changes to Financial Authorities nos.4 and 5 is needed before changes to signatories is made.
13. Other Business
Rhys said Top 10 is currently 22 – needs more work before Street Cred.
ACTION: Rhys to circulated Top 22 to Executive for constructive feedback.
Liz confirmed that Planning Calendar will be included on updated website.
When website updated will be available online
14. Confirmation of 11 May 2009 minutes
Resolved: (Daphne, Mike, carried)
That Minutes of 11 May 2009 meeting be confirmed, after amendment identifying financial report received as April 2009.
15. Walk Wellington honoraria
It was proposed that the amount budgeted for Walk Wellington horaria be changed from $4,200 to $4,500 for 08/09. Mike queried the process for allocating the money, which he didn’t feel was sufficiently transparent.
Resolved: (Celia, Daphne, carried)
That the recommendation from the subcommittee to increase the honoraria be
16. Special Thanks
Resolved: (Mike, Gay, carried with acclamation)
That there be a vote thanks to Celia, as this will be her last Executive meeting, for the many hours of work she has put in and for putting Living Streets Aotearoa in the excellent position it is in today.
Meeting closed 7.15pm
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