Golden Foot Walking Awards 2024

The Golden Foot Walking Awards celebrate and recognise New Zealand achievements for walkers by acknowledging innovative new facilities, highlighting national best practice and rewarding ongoing commitment to walking and pedestrians. 

The awards are open to all - private companies and public organisations, not-for-profit groups, community organisations and individuals. We encourage you to submit a nomination. 


Nominations have now closed. The winners will be announced 23 July 2024. 


Nominations are open until 17 June 2024

Find out how to nominate your favourite walk project for the Golden Foot Walking Awards 2024. Guidelines are in the nomination form below. 

If you have any questions about how to nominate, please email us. We are very happy to help. Email:

Nomination form

Please download and use the nomination form:

Either as a fillable PDF document or Word document (see below). 

If you are not able to complete the PDF or Word form because of accessibility reasons, please contact us and we will send you a text version. 

Nominations must be received by Monday 17 June 2024. 

Examples of past winners

Golden Foot Walking Awards from 2009 to present. 

Case studies of past winners:



Types of nominations

Nominations can be about: 

  • Projects and programmes
  • Facilities or place-making
  • Events
  • Research
  • School projects
  • Walking advocate champions
  • Extraordinary walkers (e.g. walkers completing the Te Araroa Trail in record times or ways, walk fundraising for a particular cause, commuters walking long distances or overcoming barriers, stories of health gains through walking)
  • Walking and public transport initiatives
  • Buildings and public spaces that demonstrate strong accessibility and CPTED principles (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design). 

Please note: Walkers means pedestrians – those on foot or using a wheelchair. Shared path projects are not eligible.

All nominations are valid if they have not been previously entered into the Golden Foot Walking Awards.

The Awards Ceremony will be held in July (details to be advised).


 Photo: Golden Foot awarded to Age Concern Wellington in 2022 for their companion walking service programme. The award was made by Global Wood Rework.

Golden Foot Nomination Forms - for downloading

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns