MEDIA RELEASE Wednesday 6TH MARCH 2007"Feet First is an excellent initiative to encourage children to walk more,"
says Celia Wade-Brown, President of Living Streets Aotearoa. "Walking to school
helps children observe more, keep fit, and arrive alert and ready to learn. It
also enables caregivers to have a healthy start to their day."
"Walking school buses help make neighbourhoods friendlier," says the mother-of-
two who took turns to lead an Island Bay Walking School Bus. "Older children
can walk in smaller groups and experience some independence and social
Councils have an important part to play in improving road safety so children
are safe to walk to school. Some arterial roads are seriously off-putting to
starting the day on foot."
Ms Wade-Brown, who is also a Wellington City Councillor, says "Most Councils
have a huge gap in their transport planning because they just don't know
whether children are walking to school or not."
On Wednesday she will move an amendment to the draft Annual Plan to include
the percentage of children walking to primary schools as an annual performance
measure, and urges other Councils to do likewise.
Living Streets Aotearoa supports more community friendly streets - attractive environments, street trees, more moderate speeds and better land use so destinations are closer to people's homes.
For more information:
Celia Wade-Brown, President, Living Streets Aotearoa, 027 483 6691
Liz Thomas, Director, Living Streets Aotearoa, 04 472 8280 and 021 106 4201