Executive Council Minutes May 2009

Living Streets Aotearoa Inc 

Minutes of Executive Council Meeting

held 11 May 2009 at 6.00 p.m.


Meeting held by telephone conference call


Present:  Liz Thomas, Mike Mellor (Wellington); Daphne Bell (Hamilton); Andy Smith (Auckland); Peter Kortegast (Nelson); Gay Richards (North Shore) took the minutes

Apologies: Celia Wade-Brown, Rhys Taylor; Carina Duke


1. Welcome

Mike welcomed everyone. It was noted that Celia has contacted Graeme about his availability and time commitments.

2. Conflicts of interest

None declared


3. Matters arising from March Face to Face meeting


Celia agreed to tidy up Strategic plan - yet to be done

ACTION: Celia to tidy up Strategic Plan before next meeting


Rhys – 10 point plan yet to be done

ACTION: Rhys to finalise draft 9 or 10 point plan before next meeting


Peter – data – to be done

ACTION: Peter to work on providing key data for website


Liz has sent Template for people to report media, activities etc

Peter raised issue that someone should go Traffinz conference (6-10 Sept, Auckland CBD)

Agreed that it would good for Auckland based members/staff to attend – possibly sharing registration.

ACTION: Liz to contact Andy Foster about possibility of free or shared registration

Peter is going to Cycling Conference (12-13 Nov, New Plymouth). Gay will be attending IPNANZ (injury prevention) (7-9 Oct).


Community Street review – Liz questioned whether she & Kelvin were to be included in working party. Janet is involved and will keep other staff in the loop.

Janet will be in Christchurch with Andy, Carina and Fiona to meet with Tim Hughes.  Peter suggests that LSA could become trainers.

ACTION: Liz to talk to Tim Hughes about training possibilities.


Planning calendar -  to be actioned

ACTION: Liz to work on planning calendar to go on new website


Commercialisation – Andy explained that there would be a meeting on 17 May in Christchurch with Rhys, Janet and Andy meeting with CAN reps. LSA reps will meet beforehand.

LSA’s current position is that it wants to look at the pros and cons and not yet ready to commit to a new structure. Andy will collect information and report back from meeting.

ACTION: Andy & Rhys to report back


4. Walking Awards – 24 July / Advocates weekend – 25/26 July

Walking Awards will be announced in evening on 24 July. Liz said British High Commissioner has tentatively agreed to present awards and host at Homewood, official residence in Karori. To be confirmed.

Criteria for awards are on the website, members encouraged to spread the word among networks, Peter said consultants already excited by them.

Peter is working on sourcing trophies in Nelson, possibly cast sandals, depends on budget.

ACTION: Liz to advise on budget for walking award trophies.


Pedestrian Training Workshop confirmed for Saturday of Advocates weekend. Possible venue Majestic centre. Peter offered to see whether his firm could provide venue. Need to know venue before notice of AGM goes out – to be held Saturday afternoon.


5. AGM – 24 July 2009

There was discussion on how wording of 12.1 of constitution could be changed to allow for co-Presidents or co-chairs or even whether it needed to be changed to accommodate this.

Mike said that the possibility of shared leadership needs to be signalled. His suggested wording would apply to all roles:  “ any of these roles may be shared by two or more people”.

Whether more than two would be practical or desirable was discussed although it was agreed flexibility is important. The title President or Chair also needs to be considered.

ACTION; Mike to discuss further with Celia and circulate draft wording to Executive in time to be circulated to membership before AGM (before 26 June).



6. Director’s Report

Resolved: (Gay, Mike: carried)

that Director’s Report be received



7. Adoption of Budget

Andy – possibly running loss of $100,000, although have previously underspent so this is a worst case scenario. Some discussion on grant money – this has been accounted for. Profit/Loss is in consultancy arm so may not happen if projects not progressed.


Resolved: (Andy, Daphne; carried)

That 2009/10 Budget be adopted



8. Adoption of Annual Plan

Some question marks on who exactly are going to do things in plan

Resolved: (Peter, Daphne: carried)

That 2009/10 Annual Plan be adopted


9. Financial Report  

Resolved: (Andy, Daphne; carried)

That financial report for April 2009 be accepted


10. Confirmation of minutes

Resolved: (Andy, Daphne; carried)
That the minutes of the Executive meeting 16 February 2009 be confirmed


11. Other matters

Date for next executive meeting needs to be decided depending of availability – needs to be mid to late June.

ACTION: Liz to discuss date with Celia and confirm as soon as possible

Gay raised issue of alternative office space. Liz indicated that there were no plans to look for new space at present but a list of desirable features being drawn up.


Meeting closed 7.05pm 


Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns