Walk for your life: Restoring neighbourhood walkways to enhance community life, improve street safety and reduce obesity
By Marie Demers, PH.D
Foreword by James O. Hull
Vital Health Publishing 2006
What a great book! Excellent for those new to walking advocacy.
This book looks at the hostile environment that has been created through urban sprawl and car dependence. Marie’s book offers some good reading on the burden being created by our sedentary lifestyle. At the end of the book she offers some solutions as to how we can improve.
While this is an American book there is much that is relevant to New Zealand. This book really made me look at the world I live in with new eyes. I would encourage you to buy a copy or to see if you can borrow it from Liz (from the Wellington office of Living Streets). Chrys and Fiona (2 of my Canterbury colleagues) have also read the book and found it great.
At the back of Marie's book she lists some websites for further information. Some of these are listed below.
Free community design resources from the Center for Livable Communities