Minutes of Living Streets Executive meeting
Held 20 September 2011, 7.00 pm by teleconference
Present: Andy, Rhys, Meg, Willemijn, Chris
Apologies: Gay, Mike
1. Minutes of the meeting held 28/6/11 confirmed as correct record with no matters arising.
2. Daphne has stepped down from the Executive.
The executive wishes to convey its thanks to Daphne for her contribution and Andy will do
Andy will also talk to Daphne about other possible representatives from Hamilton.
Any new rep. from Hamilton would be offered the free admittance to the TraffiNZ conference being held there in mid November (Andy to investigate sharing the opportunity among LSA members able to attend.)
3. Executive wishes to thank Mike and Willemijn for the preparation and delivery of the LSA presentation at the Sustainable Transport conference held in Wellington 19+20/8/11.
Willemijn provided a brief synopsis of the conference and it was announced that the presentation are on the website
4. Financial report for August received. There were no questions.
Rhys indicated that he will in future prepare separate financial report for the Greening the Rubble project for presentation at our meetings.
5. Walk Wellington is now an incorporated society and wants the money we have been holding for them.
It was agreed that Andy would transfer $14,857.16 to Walk Wellington in return for a receipt indicating it is full and final payment of money being held by LSA for Walk Wellington.
6. Membership is up but still need to be getting more members. Subscription is $20/year. Phoning ahead of things like the February conference is suggested.
7. Website needs to be kept up-to-date, e.g. remove AGM notice and put up Walking Awards deadline notice (Willemijn will do)
8. Makeshift (Green the Rubble) - the CCC has agreed a new contract for 12 months (July 2011-June 2012) and $50K +GST.
A further license to occupy a vacant property has been negotiated.
Some of the property owners have donated money to cover material costs.
SILTY bricks have donated $4086.50 to GtR.
Rhys will circulate a progress report in the next week.
9. Annual Report - there was considerable discussion about the need to do it (is required by Charities Commission), when it would have to be done by (possibly November).
It was proposed that exec continue to phone members and prospective members and ask for news (that might be able to go into Footprints) but that Annual Report is really a summary of the year July 2010-June 2011 so should be readily done by reviewing what's happened. Willemijn to send out reminder of what she requests each exec member to provide for this.
10. Walking Awards - need to be phoning people to nominate promotion, project/activities or facilities for the awards. There is also a combined walking/cycling award.
Agreed that the Urban Design Forum, Place-making NZ and TraffiNZ, as well as all members, will be notified of these coming up - deadline is end of November.(Gay - you were volunteered for this - is that okay?)
Meg has the Golden Jandals under control.
Meg to ask Daphne if she is still willing to be judge?
11. Slips, trips and falls - ACC saying they won't cover falls in the road space (e.g. footpaths). Agreed we need to advocate for it to be covered.
Need to cooperate with older people's and visually impaired people's groups to do so.
Probably worth finding out what research ahs been done (Meg) and to develop a media presence on it before approaching Minister.
12. General business - February joint walking-cycling conference in Hastings. Some concern that it will be very cycling dominated as not a lot of walking related papers being offered. GtR will do one but need others.
Next meeting, 7pm, Tuesday 8/11/11, to include a discussion of how executive sees the relationship with Greening the Rubble
Meeting closed 8.15 pm
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