Living Streets Aotearoa Executive meeting
7 February 2012 at 8.00 pm by teleconference
Present: Andy Smith, Mike Mellor, Meg Christie, Gay Richards, Willemijn Vermaat,
Apologies: Chris Teo-Sherrell, Rhys Taylor (for lateness)
Minutes of meeting held 12 December 2011
Resolved that the minutes of the Living Streets Aotearoa executive meeting held 12 December 2011 be accepted.
Moved; Meg, Andy, carried
Conference 2012
All executive are attending 2WalkCycle conference.
Executive agreed to meet during the Welcome event on Wednesday evening or alternatively during the Roundtable discussion on Thursday.
Footprints / Annual report
Willemijn confirmed that Freda is able to complete work in the timeframe so Footprints is ready for conference. Well done Willemijn. Agreed that there would be a print run of this edition for members and to use as promotional tool.
Agreed that Executive should assist with envelope stuffing at the conference.
Action: Andy can print labels from CiviCRM.
Membership / subscriptions
Need to think about getting renewals out Feb/Mar. This can be done by email and reminding people during conference. Meg suggests we can also “build bridges” with other like minded groups. Also need to aware of Charities Commission attitude to “membership benefits” . Action: Gay to research this.
Walking Awards
Meg says all under control. Trophies and certificates look great.
Pedestrian focused Road Code
Executive to discuss how to progress this at conference. NZTA’s change of turning rule publicity can be seen as a small step in the right direction – it at least mentions pedestrians, but needs to go further.
Brake, the road safety charity
Mike and Andy have both met people from Brake (a UK road safety charity). Brake want us to get involved in the launch of Road Safety week in New Zealand - 7-13 May. Agreed we should work with Brake on this.
Financial report
Healthy balance sheet though most of the funds relate to makeshift project. Some funds still coming in for Walk Wellington but being paid o out to WW. Agreed that it would be helpful to have balance sheet without makeshift funds to see our true position.
Resolved that the financial report for January 2012 to accepted.
Moved: Andy, Meg, carried.
Rhys joined meeting to in time to provide update. Reported that it was a productive time after a much needed and appreciated break over holiday period. Four sites well advanced. Good media coverage including in The Listener. Successfully recruiting big group volunteers from companies, but harder to attract individual volunteers. . Several sites at design stage including the Ferry Rd Community Library site joint venture with City Council – especially good to see a project in the eastern suburbs. A renewed focus on central city expected as areas re-opened to public. Project is receiving a number of generous donations from a variety of sources. Project has been able to buy equipment thanks to Rotary. Project continues to develop and is working towards being managed locally. Rhys to suggest to the project management committee that an additional person be employed to help with supervision,e.g. on alternate weekends.
Other business F
Walk2Work (March 14)
Some debate about how useful website is for advertising events. Gay has created basic Walk2Work 2012 page and Willemijn to tidy up and reliable pages appropriately. May be too much work to register all events, but Gay prepared to do this if information is received.
Playing in the street (February 19)
Gay noted that closure of part of Queen St, Auckland has been advertised in public notices so it appears this event is going ahead. Living Streets had been invited to be involved but has heard little from the organisers.
Carfree Day (September 22)
Willemijn reminded us that this is a good day to focus on and could attract younger people with events such as Occupy carpark spaces.
Vegetation leaflet
Andy said it was still a work in progress. Mike queried the use of a long description rather than our short logo line: More people walking more often. .
Meeting closed 9.12 pm
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