Minutes of the Living Streets Aotearoa executive
meeting held Wednesday April 4 2012 8pm to 9pm by teleconference
Present: Andy Smith, Chris Teo-Sherrell, Mike Mellor, Meg Christie, Rhys Taylor, Gay Richards
Apologies: (for lateness) Willemijn Vermaat
Minutes of previous meeting
Resolved; Moved Andy, Rhys, carried
That the minutes of the meeting 7 February 2012 be accepted
Correction vegetation not vegetarian noted
Matters arising
Concern re Charities Commission attitude to membership benefits not verified.
BRAKE – Andy has been invited to a workshop, May also be webinar.
ACTION Meg to circulate invite
Conference loss may be $3000 for each organisation (Living Streets Aotearoa and CAN) as per profit/loss sharing agreement.
Agreed that it was an excellent conference, Loss seems to be due to a number of factors. Thanks to the organisers and Meg for the excellent Awards event.
Next Awards will be held Sep/Oct 2013. Need to consider categories so Model communities do not dominate.
Greening the Rubble
Rhys gave brief report: Project continues to atractt volunteers, receive sponsorship and donations, including donations of supplies from Ellerslie Flower Show. Tools purchased with Rotary funds. Ten projects, 7 completed, one to be deconstructed, one relocated, two being designed. Healthy City gardens of tranquillity project. Rhys’ contract ends June. Rhys planning to take a break and more to Geraldine. Available to offer advice. Plans in train to hand over to charitable trust end of June. Budget allows employment of a temporary site supervisor. Formal report to be sent by email. Individual volunteers picking up again nicely (about 100 on the books).
High-risk intersections guide - draft for consultation by Ministry of Transport - due mid May.
ACTION: Meg to work on this.
30 renewals received as a result of Footprints mailout. All subs now due.
Mike noted that Freepost – NZ Post does not appear to be charging at present.
Gay noted that there is some confusion about using the Join Us page to renew.
ACTION: Andy / Gay to send out renewal reminder email
Suggested that we target DHBs and Sports Trusts especially those who attended conference. Best done by personal contact.
Agreed that mass mail of Vegetation flyer and Yellow Feet to clubs listed in Walking NZ probably not effective. A personal connection would be better. Someone is probably circulating these groups.
ACTION Meg and Rhys to find out who contacts these groups in Christchurch, Gay to contact Harbour Sport – North Shore.
Pedestrian focused Road Code
Andy circulated comparative road rules British Columbia, Victoria, Australia and US
Andy received reply letter from former associate Minister of Transport.
ACTION: Andy to talk to AA and CAN.
ACTION: Andy to create concept diagrams to illustrate pedestrian priority at intersections.
Financial report
Chris queried at what rate we are spending reserves. Monthly expenditure excluding other organisations’ funds needs to be shown.
There are a couple of queries relating to Accounts Payable, accounts receivable.
Branch allocations recorded as a liability as these have not been paid to branches – suspension of these payments previously agreed.
Resolved, Moved Rhys, Chris, carried
That accounts for March 2012 be received.
Other business
Chris no progress to report on rural schools speed issue..
Discussion of when next Face to Face for Executive could be held. Late July in Wellington seemed to suit most.
International Federation’s promotion of No exit streets issue noted. Some work has been done in Wellington, Stickers have been used in small area on North Shore.
Long Term Plans and Regional Land Transport Programmes currently out for consultation around New Zealand.
Living Streets Aotearoa banner – second banner to be returned to Meg for South Island.
Meeting closed 9.04pm
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