New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) commissions transport research in New Zeaaland. Walking is one of the areas researched. This is a list of the most relevant reports. The links will take you to the NZTA website where you will be able to read a summary and the full report.
Environmental impact
Detailed observations and validated modelling of the impact of traffic on the air quality of roadside communities
Report 516 (February2013)
Research Report 201 Quantifying the impact of social severance caused by roads
Report 201 (2001)
Health benefits
Valuing the health benefits of active modes
Report 359 (December 2008)
Pedestrian infrastructure
Reducing pedestrian delay at traffic signals
Report 440 (April 2011)
Benefits of new and improved pedestrian facilities - before and after studies
Report 436 (May 2011)
Pedestrian injuries
The mechanisms and types of non-motor vehicle injuries to pedestrians in the transport system and indicated infrastructure implications
Report 431 (February 2011)
Predicting accident rates for cyclists and pedestrians
Report 289 (2006)
Pedestrian safety
Trialling pedestrian countdown timers at traffic signals
Report 428 (December 2010)
Public lighting for safe and attractive pedestrian areas
Report 405 (May 2010)
Personal security in public transport travel in NZ: problems issues and solutions
Report 344 (2006)
School travel issues
Improving school travel systems
Report 420 (November 2010)
School bus safety
Report 408 (September 2010)
School journey safety: a comparative study of engineering devices
Report 271 (2006)
Safer speeds: public acceptance and compliance
Report 563 (December 2014)
Economic evaluation of the impact of safe speeds: literature review
Report 505 (November 2012)
Travel behaviour
Impediments to walking as a mode choice
Report 329 (2007)
Increasing cycling and walking: an analysis of readiness to change
Report 294 (2006)
Travel surveys
Trends in Trip Chaining and Tours: Analysing Changes in New Zealanders Travel Patterns Using the Ongoing New Zealand Household Travel Survey
Report 373 (2009)
National travel profiles Part A: Description of daily travel patterns
Report 353 (2008)
Trip chaining: Understanding how New Zealanders link their travel
Report 268 (2005)
Personal travel characteristics of New Zealanders - Analysis of home interview survey data
Report 183 (2000)
Predicting walkability
Report 452 (September 2011)
Walkability research tools - summary report
Report 356 (2008)