Community Engagement

Open Street Sunday 22 September Wellington

Open Streets celebrate public space and let the community be active out on their street, with lots of fun activities to take part in including street art, dancing and music, playing games on the street, and making your own space to hang out in.

Living Streets partnering with Greater Wellington regional council will open up Dixon and lower Cuba Streets to community activity - closed for cars. More information email 

Come along to enjoy our streets on Sunday 22 September from 1 - 4pm on Dixon and lower Cuba Streets. 

Dixon and lower Cuba Streets
Contact person: 
Ellen Blake
Contact details:
Region (NZ): 

Walking to 2040 - what does the future hold?


Living Streets Aotearoa is holding it's first meeting for 2012 to look at what the future holds for pedestrians and walkers. With many councils preparing their Long Term Plans, and, nearly a year on from the change to a purely volunteer organisation for Living Streets it is timely to discuss what we can look forward to and achieve in the future: what are our ambitions and goals, as individuals, in our organisation, and in our workplaces?

Fun, future, snickets and ginnels - find out more at our first meeting on 5 June

Meeting room 2, Wellington City Council, Wakefield Street
Contact person: 
Ellen Blake
Contact details: 
Meeting type: 
Face to face

2Walk and Cycle Conference Feb 2012 Hastings

2012 conference

The 2012 conference will be the first combined walking and cycling conference held from 22-24 February 2011. The conference will be held in Hastings, one NZTA's model communities. The focus of this conference is on everyday walking and cycling for transport, recreation and tourism.  Very appropriately, the conference is called 2 Walk and Cycle.


Hastings Opera House
Contact details:

Getacross Campaign Shifts Gear

GetAcross is a campaign that has been lobbying and advocating for cyclists and walkers to get across the Auckland Harbour Bridge. LSA have been involved in supporting Getacross since its beginning.  Its is a great project and will transform the way people use the bridge and connect our communities.  Most importantly it will give a transport choice in these uncertain times.

Greening the Rubble - Make-SHIFT website

On the Greening the Rubble project's website you will see how this project is making a difference in Christchurch despite the continuing earthquakes and aftershocks. Go to:

Document Type: 

Moving Planet

Moving Planet is a worldwide rally to demand solutions to the climate crisis—a single day to move away from fossil fuels. Come on bike, on skates, on a board, or just on foot. Come with your neighbors and your friends, your family and your co-workers. Come be part of something huge. It's time to get moving on the climate crisis. Check out whether there is an event close-by to you or organise an event yourself!

 A day to move beyong fossil fuels

Free tags: 

Walking to 2040 - community resilience and pedestrians

You are invited to join us for a discussion on the importance of pedestrians to community resilience. Starting with a report back from the workshop of transport innovator David Engwicht we will look at how pedestrians contribute to community resilience and what we can do to foster resilience.

This is the second in a series of meetings to highlight important aspects of walking for the future of living communities. The first looked at footpath design.

Join us for a discussion on the importance of pedestrians to community resilience. We'll look at transport innovator David Engwichts work and discuss how we can promote resilience.

Wellington City Council meeting room 2
Contact person: 
Ellen Blake
Contact details:
Meeting type: 
Face to face
Free tags: 

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns