
Submission to HCC Annual Plan 2007/2008

(see also Oral Submission)

Living Streets Hamilton congratulates the Hamilton City Council on its signing of the International Charter for Walking, and its interest in the activities of Living Streets Aotearoa.

To achieve real results in terms of Hamilton living up to the ideals of the Charter, Living Streets would like to be involved in a partnership with the City to plan for future pedestrian projects within Hamilton

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Submission on Christchurch City Mall 2006

City Mall Plan Submission October 2006



Living Streets Aotearoa, the local walking advocacy group, is pleased to offer this submission on the plans for the upgrade of the City Mall. We would be happy to provide any further information or clarification if required, and request the opportunity of presenting our submission at a hearing. 

Document Type: 

Submission on the Wellington City Council draft Trading in Public Places Policy 2006

Introducing Living Streets Aotearoa


Living Streets Aotearoa (LSA) is a group with the following objectives:

• To promote walking as a healthy, environmentally-friendly and universal means of transport and recreation.

• To promote the social and economic benefits of pedestrian-friendly communities.

• To work for improved access and conditions for walkers, pedestrians and runners e.g. walking surfaces, traffic flows, speed and safety.

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Submission on the draft Wellington City Council Footpath Management Policy 2006

Introducing Living Streets Aotearoa


Living Streets Aotearoa (LSA) is a group with the following objectives:

• To promote walking as a healthy, environmentally-friendly and universal means of transport and recreation.

• To promote the social and economic benefits of pedestrian-friendly communities.

• To work for improved access and conditions for walkers, pedestrians and runners e.g. walking surfaces, traffic flows, speed and safety.

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns