speed limits

Submit on the draft Setting of Speed Limits Rule - closes Thurs 11 July 2024

The Government has released its draft Setting of Speed Limits Rule, which rolls back many of the changes made under the previous Government that were designed to make our roads safer for everyone by reducing vehicle speeds.

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NZTA trial aims for safer speeds around rural schools

The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) will begin a trial of variable speed limits outside rural schools in June as part of the agency's ongoing effort to reduce serious crashes and improve safety on rural New Zealand roads.

The NZTA media release (18 May 2012) says five schools in the North Island will initially take part in the trial, with the first step being the introduction of a permanent 80 km/h speed limit at four of the trial schools (with a 100 km/h speed limt remaining at the fifth school).

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Down with speed say walking advocates

Walking advocates are calling for lower traffic speeds as the most effective way of improving road safety.

The call follows the death of former Air Accident Inspector Ron Chippindale who was struck by a car this morning.

Director of Living Streets Aotearoa, Liz Thomas, says “While we don’t know the exact circumstances of this tragic accident, we know that lowering traffic speeds reduces the frequency and severity of accidents.”

“The message is simple: down with speed for safer roads.”

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About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

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