Living Streets Aotearoa

Call for an Aotearoa New Zealand Walking Strategy

Living Streets Aotearoa is calling on the Government to develop a New Zealand Walking Strategy. We are faced with many global and local issues that would be improved if more people walked more often and yet there is no coordinated action to increase walk mode share or maintain the current conditions for pedestrians. Living Streets wants to see Government step up in a coordinated cross-agency way to improve walking and the place of pedestrians in policy, plans and action to benefit society and the places we live. We urgently need a future focused Aotearoa New Zealand Walking Strategy.

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Annual General Meeting, Wednesday 29 September 2021, 7:30pm, NZST by Zoom

We are pleased announce that the Living Streets Aotearoa Inc. AGM will be held on Wednesday 29 September 2021 at 7:30 pm by Zoom.

This meeting is an opportunity to acknowledge the work of President Andy Smith, who sadly passed away in July this year. Then we will attend to the formal business of our organisation for the year ended 31 March 2021. 

All current members are invited to participate and will be able to vote at this meeting. 

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Building better communities in New Zealand

Thought-leaders to share plans to improve the walking experience at second New Zealand Walking Summit

For the first time, Auckland will host the Walking Summit from 20 - 21 June - New Zealand's leading event for promoting walking-friendly communities.

Offering unique opportunities to hear from local and international experts on transport, accessibility and walkable communities, key topics this year include:

Region (NZ): 

NZ Walking Summit 2019 presenters - Walking to school and play

WALKING TO SCHOOL AND PLAY 20 June - see presentations at end of this page

The walk to school in the UK, with Living Streets

Jenni shared insights into how the United Kingdom have encouraged and supported children to walk to school over many years. The serious issues with air pollution and the flow on impacts to children's health have been key motivators. Some significant changes in approach have resulted and valuable lessons have been learned.


NZ Walking Summit 2019 information on presenters and their talks.

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New Living Streets Aotearoa tee shirts available now

We are thrilled to unveil our smart new tee shirts - the stunning prize for Walk2Work Day winners. These have been designed exclusively for us and can be ordered online, check out the resources page for details on how you can get one.

Thanks to Emily Bulkley for the new design (and Becky Bliss for our well loved logo inspiration for the tee shirts)



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Submission on Ageing Strategy 2018


Living Streets Aotearoa Inc. (LSA) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed Ageing Strategy.


LSA notes that Age Concern prefers the term “older people”. LSA would recommend that the Ageing Strategy refers to ‘older people” rather than “seniors”. LSA will use the term “older people” in this submission.

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Success at the Golden Foot Walking Awards

Samoan family walking clubs, a radical solution to a dangerous intersection and a hunt for the Gruffalo are among the winners of this year’s Golden Foot Awards. 

The biennial awards ceremony is held by Living Streets Aotearoa to celebrate projects that help to promote walking - in cities, in the country and every day. 

The six winners were presented with their award by Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter in a celebration at Parliament in Wellington. They were: 

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About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns