How to write an e-bulletin and put it on the website April 2010
1. Create the e-bulletin in Drupal under Create Content e-bulletin.
2. Start by listing Contents, then put in a break (last icon in the wysiwyg) so only the Contents will appear on the e-bulletin page.
3. Write each item with links, as for the HTML version of the e-bulletin.
4. If you need to save to finish later, go to publishing options and untick publish. To find it again got to Content List (on LH panel) and click apply
5. PROOF READ THE EBULLETIN NOW - can save in unpublished format
6. In Civimail, create a new mail, select the e-bulletin mailing list, template and e-bulletin footer. Put a line at the top of the HTML version saying "Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser" and place a link to the Drupal node where the ebulletin is.
7. Paste the subjects from the contents list into the civimail contents list and subject, then paste the item content. Internal links (to Livingstreets website) will have the bit removed, so need to click the hyperlink and paste that bit in.
6. For the text version, copy across from the created e-bulletin, and insert the links (if you send a test mail first, can check the html version links, and copy them for the text version at the same time.
7. The date of the created e-bulletin can be changed (eg if you are putting up old e-bulletins) by "authoring information"