Auckland region


Living Streets Manukau City met for the first time in November 2008.


Donna Wynd is the new  Convenor of the group.  Please direct any enquires to manukau at


Meetings are held at the Tui Room beside the Otara Library. Please contact us to find out when the next meeting is. 

New members are always very welcome.

Region (NZ): 

Submission on Draft Auckland Regional Road Safety Plan 2008-2012

Organisation:             Living Streets Aotearoa

Contact person:         Gay Richards

Address:                     PO Box 25 424, Wellington                           

Email:                          gay.richards at

Phone:                         09 373 7599 ext. 84640

Date:                           14th August 2008

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Auckland - City of cars (video)

Three-part YouTube video about Auckland's car-dependent transport system, the consequences - and what can be done about it.
Region (NZ): 

Link Mutukaroa Hamlins Hill Walk Way to Onehunga [Manukau ] Foreshore Walkway through Anns Creek

Submission presentation to ARC and community boards (1 page)
Region (NZ): 

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns