
Campaign to drive safety message home

Pedestrians and drivers are being asked to Stop Look Live as Wellington City Council launches a hard hitting pedestrian safety campaign.

Submission on infill housing in Wellington City 2007

Promoting quality of place – a targeted approach to infill housing in Wellington City


Response by Living Streets Wellington


Thank you for the opportunity to provide a submission on this. 

For any further clarification the contact point is: Brent Efford

On behalf of: Living Streets Wellington

Email: brent.efford at techmedia.co.nz



Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 


MEDIA RELEASE Wednesday 6TH MARCH 2007"Feet First is an excellent initiative to encourage children to walk more," says Celia Wade-Brown, President of Living Streets Aotearoa. "Walking to school helps children observe more, keep fit, and arrive alert and ready to learn. It also enables caregivers to have a healthy start to their day." "Walking school buses help make neighbourhoods friendlier," says the mother-of- two who took turns to lead an Island Bay Walking School Bus. "Older children can walk in smaller groups and experience some independence and social interaction.

Submission on the Wellington City Council draft Trading in Public Places Policy 2006

Introducing Living Streets Aotearoa


Living Streets Aotearoa (LSA) is a group with the following objectives:

• To promote walking as a healthy, environmentally-friendly and universal means of transport and recreation.

• To promote the social and economic benefits of pedestrian-friendly communities.

• To work for improved access and conditions for walkers, pedestrians and runners e.g. walking surfaces, traffic flows, speed and safety.

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Submission on the draft Wellington City Council Footpath Management Policy 2006

Introducing Living Streets Aotearoa


Living Streets Aotearoa (LSA) is a group with the following objectives:

• To promote walking as a healthy, environmentally-friendly and universal means of transport and recreation.

• To promote the social and economic benefits of pedestrian-friendly communities.

• To work for improved access and conditions for walkers, pedestrians and runners e.g. walking surfaces, traffic flows, speed and safety.

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns