public transport

Living Streets submission to Wellington Regional Land Transport Plan

Here is the Living Streets Aotearoa submission for the draft Wellington Regional Land Transport Plan 2015.


Here is the Living Streets Aotearoa submission for the draft Wellington Regional Land Transport Plan 2015.

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Region (NZ): 

Review of Lynn Sloman's book: Car Sick

Car sick

By Lynn Sloman

Green books ltd, UK, 2006

This book is pretty in depth so would be best for someone with some experience in pedestrian and transport related issues. If you live in Christchurch it is available from the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology library.

The book covers the following subjects:

Region (NZ): 

Does the Built Environment Influence Physical Activity?

Examining the evidence This report • Reviews the broad trends affecting the relationships among physical activity, health, transportation, and land use; • Summarizes what is known about these relationships and what they suggest for future policy decisions at all levels of government; and • Identifies priorities for future research.

Riding, walking to work builds fitness into day

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Lois Fletcher started taking the subway to work nine months ago to save money. It turned out to be an excellent way for her to lose weight -- more than 30 pounds to be exact. Five mornings a week, the 53-year-old mother of three boards a commuter train in suburban Atlanta, Georgia, and heads downtown.
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About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

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