National level

Drivers should concentrate on the road, not on their cellphones

Motorists who talk on handheld or hands-free cellular phones are as impaired as drunk drivers, according to a University of Utah study.

Living Streets Aotearoa applauds the Minister of Transport, Steven Joyce, for seeking to ban cell phone calls and texting by drivers.

“Drivers should concentrate on the road, and not on their cell phones”, says Celia Wade-Brown, president of Living Streets Aotearoa.

Region (NZ): 

Executive Council Minutes May 2009

Living Streets Aotearoa Inc 

Minutes of Executive Council Meeting

held 11 May 2009 at 6.00 p.m.


Meeting held by telephone conference call


Present:  Liz Thomas, Mike Mellor (Wellington); Daphne Bell (Hamilton); Andy Smith (Auckland); Peter Kortegast (Nelson); Gay Richards (North Shore) took the minutes

Apologies: Celia Wade-Brown, Rhys Taylor; Carina Duke


Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Pedestrian planning and design guide finally hits the streets

Well it has been a long time coming but the LTNZ have finally published their guide to planning and designing spaces for pedestrians. In their words:

    This guide sets out ways to improve New Zealand’s walking environment. It outlines a process for deciding on the type of provision that should be made for pedestrians and provides design advice and standards.

In our view ....... [more to be added]

Region (NZ): 

Executive Council Minutes December 2008

Living Streets Aotearoa Inc
Minutes of Executive Council Meeting
held 8 December 2008 at 6.00 p.m.
Meeting held by telephone conference call
Present: Celia Wade-Brown, Liz Thomas, Mike Mellor (Wellington); Daphne Bell (Hamilton); Peter Kortegast (Nelson); Rhys Taylor (Christchurch); Andy Smith (Auckland), Gay Richards (North Shore) took the minutes
Apologies: Ralph Chapman, Carina Duke, Graeme Easte
1. Welcome
Celia welcomed everyone.

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Executive Council Minutes November 2008

Living Streets Aotearoa Inc
Minutes of Executive Council Meeting
held 10 November 2008 at 6.00 p.m.
Meeting held by telephone conference call
Present: Celia Wade-Brown, Liz Thomas (Wellington); Daphne Bell (Hamilton); Carina Duke (Christchurch); Peter Kortegast (Nelson); Andy Smith, Graeme Easte (Auckland); Gay Richards (North Shore) took the minutes
Apologies: Mike Mellor, Rhys Taylor

1. Welcome
 Celia welcomed, noted Liz to leave early. Agenda was rearranged to accommodate this.

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Executive Council Minutes September 2008

Living Streets Aotearoa Inc
Minutes of Executive Council Meeting
Held 8 September 2008 at 6.00 p.m.
Meeting held by telephone conference call
Present: Liz Thomas, Mike Mellor (Wellington), Daphne Bell (Hamilton); Carina Duke (Christchurch); Peter Kortegast (Nelson); Rhys Taylor (Christchurch); Andy Smith, Graeme Easte (Auckland); Gay Richards (North Shore) took the minutes
Apologies: Ralph Chapman, Celia Wade-Brown  

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Dismay at the lack of funding committed to improving the walking environment

At the end of a very successful NZ Walking conference, Living Street Aotearoa members expressed dismay at the lack of funding announced in the Government Policy Statement committed to improving the walking environment.

Walking has been overlooked in favour of Think Big transport projects for too long.

"We are under-whelmed by the targets and funding" Ms Wade-Brown said in a closing address to the delegates in Auckland.

Region (NZ): 

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns