National level

Dismay at the lack of funding committed to improving the walking environment

At the end of a very successful NZ Walking conference, Living Street Aotearoa members expressed dismay at the lack of funding announced in the Government Policy Statement committed to improving the walking environment.

Walking has been overlooked in favour of Think Big transport projects for too long.

"We are under-whelmed by the targets and funding" Ms Wade-Brown said in a closing address to the delegates in Auckland.

Region (NZ): 

Executive Council Minutes July 2008

Living Streets Aotearoa Executive Council
Minutes of Meeting held 3 July 2008 at 6.00 p.m.
Meeting held by telephone conference call
Present: Celia Wade-Brown, Liz Thomas, Mike Mellor (Wellington), Daphne Bell (Hamilton); Carina Duke (Christchurch); Scribe: Gay Richards (North Shore)
Apologies: Andy Smith, Graeme Easte (Auckland)  
1. Welcome
Celia welcomed members to the call

2. Conflicts of Interest
Daphne noted intention to not to participate in discussion of 5C

3. AGM

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Submission on draft guidelines for facilities that assist blind and vision impaired pedestrians (RTS) 2008

Submission from Living Streets Aotearoa

On draft guidelines for facilities that assist blind and vision impaired pedestrians (RTS 14)

Organisation: Living Streets Aotearoa

Contact person: Carina Duke

Address: PO Box 1696, Christchurch

Email: carina.duke at

Phone: (03) 375 4303

Date: 22 January 2008

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Media Resource Kit

This Media Resource Kit is a tool to help Living Streets members and advocates get their message out to people through the media. It is an evolving resource, which we want to be as useful as possible. It is also available as a PDF (attached below).

We welcome feedback on the usefulness of the kit based on your experiences, together with any suggestions for improving the resource.

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Children Want to Walk to School

Living Streets Aotearoa says the recent Ministry of Health report A Portrait of Health is an indictment of New Zealand's urban form and transport options.

Fewer than half of children aged 5 to 14 years use active transport (walk, run, cycle, scoot or skate) to get to school.

"The journey to school offers an easy way to be active and forms the active transport habit early", says Councillor Celia Wade-Brown.  Children can also get exercise by walking part of the journey to the bus or train.

Region (NZ): 

Executive Council Minutes May 2008

Living Streets Aotearoa Executive Council
Minutes of Meeting held 12 May 2008 at 6.00 p.m.
Meeting held by telephone conference call
Present: Celia Wade-Brown, Liz Thomas, Mike Mellor (Wellington), Daphne Bell (Hamilton); Andy Smith, Graeme Easte (Auckland),  Scribe: Gay Richards (North Shore)
Apologies: Ralph Chapman, Carina Duke  
1. Welcome
Celia welcomed members to the call

2. Conflicts of Interest
None noted

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Executive Council Minutes April 2008

Living Streets Aotearoa Executive Council
Minutes of Meeting held 12 April 2008 10.00 am
At St John’s Convention Centre, Dixon Street, Wellington
Present: Celia Wade-Brown, Liz Thomas, Daphne Bell, Carina Duke,  Andy Smith, Mike Mellor, Ralph Chapman, Gay Richards  (Scribe).
Also present: Carol Comber and Lily Linton, LSA Projects Officer and Administrator respectively.
Apologies: Graeme Easte, apologies for lateness: Ralph Chapman & Carina Duke
Celia welcomed everyone to Wellington.

Document Type: 
Region (NZ): 

Articles on the economic benefits of pedestrian areas

A short summary of items and case studies regarding the economic benefits of walkable commercial areas, with URLs.
Andy Smith
Region (NZ): 
Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

About Us

Living Streets Aotearoa is the New Zealand organisation for people on foot, promoting walking-friendly communities. We are a nationwide organisation with local branches and affiliates throughout New Zealand.

We want more people walking and enjoying public spaces be they young or old, fast or slow, whether walking, sitting, commuting, shopping, between appointments, or out on the streets for exercise, for leisure or for pleasure.

JOIN US and help with our campaigns